This document outlines the training program for capture the flag (CTF) challenges that takes place once a month. The program is designed to help you learn the skills you need to pwn all the things and become a master hacker. The program is open to all skill levels, and we...

This document outlines the training program for Web App Pentesting 101 Training that will be split into two sessions. This training was conceived as an introduction to Web App Pentesting, how it is conducted and what are the challenges of a Security Consultant. This training is open to both Rhacklette...

Code of Conduct for Rhacklette We, Rhacklette, previously known as WoSec ZH, are committed to creating a safe and respectful space for all members of our community. As a group of female, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender (FINTA) people in Security, our goal is to provide a protected space for...