This document outlines the training program for capture the flag (CTF) challenges that takes place once a month. The program is designed to help you learn the skills you need to pwn all the things and become a master hacker. The program is open to all skill levels, and we encourage you to work together to learn and grow.
The training program consists of sessions that take place once a month and cover a variety of CTF topics, including but not limited to:
- Web security
- Reverse engineering
- Binary exploitation
- Forensics
- Cryptography
Each session will include a mix of lecture, hands-on exercises, and discussion. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops and tools to the sessions. Training will be held in-person with the option to join online. Everyone will receive a more detailed agenda when they sign up.
In addition to the training sessions, there will be four CTF competitions held throughout the year. These competitions will provide you with the opportunity to put your skills to the test and compete against other hackers from around the world.
Why should I do that?
The training program and CTF competitions offer a number of benefits, including:
- Improved CTF skills
- Increased knowledge of security topics
- Opportunity to network with other hackers
- Challenge yourself
- Have fun!!
Why should I choose your training?
Our training is a safe and welcoming space for FINTA individuals to learn about cybersecurity and participate in CTF competitions. We are committed to creating a non-judgemental environment where everyone can feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas. Our instructors are experienced and knowledgeable, and they are passionate about helping FINTA individuals succeed in cybersecurity. We offer a variety of resources, including practice problems and tutorials, to help you learn at your own pace.
When and where?
The first training session will be on the 17th September and we’ll focus on reverse engineering! It will be held in person, in Zurich, exact location TBA.
The training program and CTF competitions are a great way to improve your CTF skills and prepare for CTF competitions. If you are interested in security and want to pwn everything, then this program is for you.
Do you want to join us? Contact us at and we’ll tell you the next steps to be added to the participants list!